Curriculuum vitae

Personnal information

  • Name: Matthieu Caruel
  • Citizenship: French
  • Date of birth: September 28th 1983
  • Current position: Associate Professor, Faculté des Sciences et Technologie, Université Paris-Est Créteil
  • Research affiliation: Laboratoire Modélisation et SImulation Multi Echelle (MSME, CNRS UMR 8208)
  • Address: 61, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil, France
  • Email address:
  • Webpage:


2011 Doctor of Phylosophy, Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides (LMS)

  • Title: “Mechanics of Fast Force Recovery in Skeletal Muscles”
  • Supervision: Lev Truskinovsky and Jean-Marc Allain
  • Passed with very honorable distinction

2007 Master of Science, Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole des Mines de Paris

  • Passed first in class
  • Thesis: “Study of shape defects induced during the sintering of ceramic membranes for fuel cells”
  • Supervision: Jacques Besson

2007 Diplôme d’ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Mechanical engineering Bachelor degree

2003 Admitted to Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées

Academic positions

Since 2014, Université Paris-Est Créteil; Associate Professor

  • Leading research program on multiscale biomechanical modeling
  • Teaching in the Mechanics department of the Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Pedagogical coordinator for the Physics undergraduate program (Mechanics track)
  • Coordinator of the experimental mechanics facility

2011-2014, Inria, MΞDISIM Project Team**; Post-doc

  • Collaboration with D.~Chapelle and P.~Moireau group
  • Formulation, calibration and simulation of a jump-diffusion model of actin-myosin interaction in heart contraction
  • Formulation, calibration and validation of reduced model of cardiac fibers and the left ventricle

2008-2011, Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratory of Solid Mechanics; Ph.D.

  • Thesis: Stochastic modeling of collective conformational changes in molecular motors
  • Lecturer in undergraduate mathematics

2007-2008, Scientific and Technical Center for Building; Engineer*

  • Participation in the development of the national computational core for building energy performance certification
  • Liaison between public authorities and engineering firms for regulatory compliance

Synergistic Activities

  • Paper reviewing

    • Scientific Reports (1 article in 2024)
    • Communications Physics (1 article in 2024)
    • Journal of elasticity (1 article in 2024)
    • Acta Biomaterialia (1 article in 2024)
    • eLife (1 article in 2021)
    • International Journal of Molecular Sciences (1 paper in 2021)
    • Proceedings of the Royal Society B (1 article in 2020)
    • Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (1 article in 2020)
    • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (1 paper jointly with A. Houdusse in 2019)
    • Physics Letters A (1 article in 2017)
    • Soft Matter (1 article in 2017)
    • Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (2016)
  • Conference Session organization Virtual Physiological Human (VPH 2020) Member of the scientific committee, Session on muscle modeling, Paris, Online (2020)

  • Workshop symposium organization MecaBio GDR meeting Session on interdisciplinary approach to muscle contraction modeling, Montpellier (2018)

  • International education partnership with the University of Florence (Italy) with the european ERASMUS+ program

  • Grant reviewing for the National Science Committee (Poland, 2023)

  • Participation in PhD committees

    • 2023 Matteo Marcello, University of Sienna (Italy), PhysioLab, supervisor: Marco Linari. Served as Reviewer
    • 2023 Giulia Morotti, University of Florence (Italy), PhysioLab, supervizor: Gabriella Piazzesi and Pasquale Bianco. Served as Reviewer
    • 2021 Haythem Chelly, Université Grenoble Alpes (France), Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, supervisor: Claude Verdier. Served as examinator
    • 2021 Caterina Squarci, University of Florence (Italy), PhysioLab, supervizor: Gabriella Piazzesi. Served as reviewer
    • 2021 Giulio bianchy, University of Florence (Italy), PhysioLab, supervisor: Marco Linari. Served as Reviewer
    • 2018 Hudson Borja da Rocha, Ecole Polytechnique (France), Laboratoire PMMH, supervisor: Lev Truskinovsky, served as examinator
    • 2018 Irene Pertici, University of Sienna (Italy), PhysioLab, supervised by Massimo Reconditi and Marco Linari. Served as reviewer

Collective responsabilities

  • MSME Laboratory
    • 2018- Responsible for the MyoMech transverse project involving 3 researchers from three different teams of the Lab (biomechanics, theoretical mechanics and theoretical chemistry) (2018-2024)
    • (2018-2020) Responsible for the biomechanics team communication. Seminar organization, internal communication
  • Université Paris-Est Créteil
    • (2020-) Responsible for the mechanics undergraduate program (2nd year)
    • (2020-) Responsible for the mechanics experimental platform


PhD of Robin Manevy (2019-2023)

  • Molecular Motors modeling using Molecular Dynamics methods
  • supervised with Isabelle Navizet (MSME, theoretical chemistry) and Fabrice Detrez (MSME, Theoretical Mechanics)
  • 1 article in preparation + conferences

PhD of François Kimmig (2016-2019)

  • 2016–2019
  • Multiscale modeling of muscle contraction : From stochastic dynamics of molecular motors to continuum mechanics
  • supervised with Dominique Chapelle (Inria, MΞDISIM)
  • 2 articles published on the PhD work + conferences

PhD of Florent Wijanto (2015-2019)

  • Multiscale Mechanics of Soft Tissues
  • supervised with Jean-Marc Allain (Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique)
  • 2 peer-reviewed conferences

Master II Thesis of Louis-Pierre Chaintron (2022)

  • Thermodynamics of molecular motors
  • with Philippe Moireau and François Kimmig

Master II Thesis of Robin Manevy (2019)

  • Mechanical Modeling of Myosin Conformational changes
  • with Isabelle Navizet and Fabrice Detrez

Engineer school internship (2017)

  • Tendon to bone interphase modeling
  • with Salah Naili (MSME)

Master II thesis of Mohsen Nakhaei (2015)

  • Biophysical modeling of SNARE proteins
  • with Frédéric Pincet and Lionel Foret (Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)

Teaching Activities

  • Université Paris-Est Créteil

    • (2014-) General Solid and fluid mechanics courses (undergraduate)
    • (2014-2019) Multiphysics mechanical modeling (graduate program)
  • Ecole Polytechnique (2015-) Statistical Mechanics for cell motility (graduate program)

  • Teaching service 280 (5 years average)

Main Scientific Collaborations

  • MSME Lab
    • Isabelle Navizet and Fabrice Detrez: MyoMech transverse project. 1 PhD + 1 paper (in preparation) + 2 conference papers. Work on molecular dynamics simulations of molecular motors conformational changes
    • Salah Naili, Thibault Lemaire: 2 journal papers
  • Inria, MΞDISIM team
    • D. Chapelle: 1 PhD, 3 journal parpers and 4 conference papers
    • P. Moireau: 3 journal papers and 4 conference papers
    • J.~M. Allain: 1 PhD, 2 journal papers and 2 conference papers
  • National collaborations
    • Anne Houdusse (Iinstitut Curie, Paris): 1 paper in preparation on the work of R. Manevy
    • Lev Truskinovsky (PMMH laboratory, ESPCI, Paris): 6 journal papers
    • Frédéric Pincet (LPS, ENS, Paris): 2 journal papers + 1 conference paper
    • Tony Lelièvre and Julien Reygnier (CERMICS, Inria, ENPC, Paris), starting collaboration
  • International collaborations
    • James E. Rothman (Yale University, USA 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine): 1 journal paper
    • Stefano Ruffo (SISSA, Trieste, Italy): 1 ongoing PhD
    • PhysioLab (University of Florence, Italy)

List of publications

Article in peer reviewed journals

  1. CARUEL, Matthieu and PINCET, Frédéric, 2024. Dual-Ring SNAREpin Machinery Tuning for Fast Synaptic Vesicle Fusion. Biomolecules. 2024. Vol. 14, no. 5, p. 600. DOI 10.3390/biom14050600.
  2. CHAINTRON, Louis-Pierre, KIMMIG, François, CARUEL, Matthieu and MOIREAU, Philippe, 2023. A jump-diffusion stochastic formalism for muscle contraction models at multiple timescales. Journal of Applied Physics. 2023. Vol. 134, no. 19, p. 194901. DOI 10.1063/5.0158191.
  3. CHAINTRON, Louis-Pierre, CARUEL, Matthieu and KIMMIG, François, 2023. Modeling actin-myosin interaction: Beyond the Huxley–Hill Framework. MathematicS In Action. 2023. Vol. 12, no. 1, p. 191–226. DOI 10.5802/msia.38.
  4. KIMMIG, François, CARUEL, Matthieu and CHAPELLE, Dominique, 2022. Varying thin filament activation in the framework of the Huxley’57 model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2022. Vol. 38, no. 12, p. e3655. DOI 10.1002/cnm.3655.
  5. KIMMIG, François and CARUEL, Matthieu, 2020. Hierarchical modeling of force generation in cardiac muscle. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2020. Vol. 19, no. 6, p. 2567–2601. DOI 10.1007/s10237-020-01357-w.
  6. MANCA, Fabio, PINCET, Frederic, TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, ROTHMAN, James E., FORET, Lionel and CARUEL, Matthieu, 2019. SNARE machinery is optimized for ultrafast fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019. Vol. 116, no. 7, p. 2435–2442. DOI gmn5g3.
  7. CARUEL, Matthieu, MOIREAU, Philippe and CHAPELLE, Dominique, 2019. Stochastic modeling of chemical–mechanical coupling in striated muscles. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2019. Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 563–587. DOI 10.1007/s10237-018-1102-z.
  8. CARUEL, Matthieu and TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, 2018. Physics of muscle contraction. Reports on Progress in Physics. 2018. Vol. 81, no. 3, p. 036602. DOI gf8wq6.
  9. CARUEL, Matthieu and TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, 2017. Bi-stability resistant to fluctuations. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2017. Vol. 109, p. 117–141. DOI gcgxxs.
  10. PRAKASH, Muthuramalingam, LEMAIRE, Thibault, CARUEL, Matthieu, LEWERENZ, Marius, DE LEEUW, Nora H., DI TOMMASO, Devis and NAILI, Salah, 2017. Anisotropic diffusion of water molecules in hydroxyapatite nanopores. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 2017. Vol. 44, no. 7, p. 509–519. DOI gbphjp.
  11. PRAKASH, Muthuramalingam, LEMAIRE, Thibault, DI TOMMASO, Devis, DE LEEUW, Nora, LEWERENZ, Marius, CARUEL, Matthieu and NAILI, Salah, 2017. Transport properties of water molecules confined between hydroxyapaptite surfaces: A Molecular dynamics simulation approach. Applied Surface Science. 2017. Vol. 418, p. 296–301. DOI gmtzzr.
  12. CARUEL, Matthieu and TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, 2016. Statistical mechanics of the Huxley-Simmons model. Physical Review E. 2016. Vol. 93, no. 6, p. 062407. DOI gkpp6d.
  13. CARUEL, Matthieu, ALLAIN, Jean-Marc and TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, 2015. Mechanics of collective unfolding. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2015. Vol. 76, p. 237–259. DOI f639qf.
  14. CARUEL, Matthieu, CHABINIOK, Radomir, MOIREAU, Philippe, LECARPENTIER, Yves and CHAPELLE, Dominique, 2014. Dimensional reductions of a cardiac model for effective validation and calibration. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2014. Vol. 13, no. 4, p. 897–914. DOI gmtzn6.
  15. CARUEL, Matthieu, ALLAIN, Jean-Marc and TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, 2013. Muscle as a Metamaterial Operating Near a Critical Point. Physical Review Letters 2013. Vol. 110, no. 24, p. 248103. DOI gmtzn5.
  16. COSTA, Rémi, HAFSAOUI, Julien, ALMEIDA DE OLIVEIRA, Ana Paula, GROSJEAN, Arnaud, CARUEL, Matthieu, CHESNAUD, Anthony and THOREL, Alain, 2009. Tape casting of proton conducting ceramic material. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 2009. Vol. 39, no. 4, p. 485–495. DOI c935ch.

Conference proceedings and invited workshops

  1. CARUEL, Matthieu, CHAINTRON, Louis-Pierre, KIMMIG, François and MOIREAU, Philippe, 2024. Jump-Diffusion Stochastic Model of Actin-Myosin Interaction in Muscles. 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics. 2024. Edimburgh, Great Britain,
  2. CARUEL, Matthieu, DETREZ, Fabrice, NAVIZET, Isabelle and MANEVY, Robin, 2022. Umbrella Sampling for the estimation of the free energy barrier of Pi release in Myosin. In: 27th congress of the european society of biomechanics. Online. Porto, Portugal. 2022. Available online
  3. MANEVY, Robin, CARUEL, Matthieu, DETREZ, Fabrice and NAVIZET, 2021. Identification of Free Energy Barriers Associated With Transition In Myosin cycle Using Umbrella Sampling. In: Workshop Les Houches Protein Dynamics. Online congress. 2021.
  4. MANEVY, Robin, DETREZ, Fabrice, NAVIZET, Isabelle and CARUEL, Matthieu, 2021. Étude mécanique d’une protéine du muscle. In: Journée Thématique Biomécanique et Biomatériaux F2M. online. 2021.
  5. KIMMIG, François, CARUEL, Matthieu and CHAPELLE, Dominique, 2020. Intrinsic regulation of muscle contraction. In: Virtual pysiological human 2020. Paris. 2020.
  6. KIMMIG, François, CARUEL, Matthieu, MOIREAU, Philippe and CHAPELLE, Dominique, 2019. Activation-Contraction Coupling In A Multiscale Heart Model. In: NITHIARASU, P, OHTA, M. and OSHIMA, M. (eds.), 6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering - CMBE2019. Sendai, Japan. 2019.
  7. KIMMIG, François, CARUEL, Matthieu and CHAPELLE, Dominique, 2018. A chemo-mechanical muscle model incorporating the power stroke into huxley’57 equations. In: World congress of biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland. 2018.
  8. MANCA, Fabio, PINCET, Frederic, TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, ROTHMAN, James E, FORET, Lionel and CARUEL, Matthieu, 2018. Optimal number of SNARE proteins for fast neurotransmetter release. In: World congress of biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland. 2018.
  9. MANCA, Fabio, CARUEL, Matthieu, FORET, Lionel, PINCET, Frederic and ROTHMAN, James E, 2017. Mechanics of Neurotransmission. 2017. New Heaven, USA: J. Rothman Lab Retreat.
  10. TARANTINO, Gabriella, CARUEL, Matthieu and DANAS, Kostas, 2017. Buckling response of architectured columns: controlling instability across the scales through a rational design. In: 13e colloque national en calcul des structures. Giens, Var, France. 2017. Available online
  11. WIJANTO, Florent, CARUEL, Matthieu and ALLAIN, Jean-Marc, 2017. Modeling fiber interface with stochastic cross-bridges. In: European biophysics journal with biophysics letters. 2017. p. S247. Available online
  12. WIJANTO, Florent, CARUEL, Matthieu and ALLAIN, Jean-Marc, 2016. Soft biological tissues as fiber networks with probabilistic crosslinks. In:* 22nd congress of the european society of biomechanics*. Lyon. 2016. Available online
  13. CARUEL, Matthieu, 2015. Stochastic modeling of muscle contraction: Passive mechanisms. In Invited Workshop: Mathematical physiology of cardiac skeletal and smooth muscles. Pisa. 2015.
  14. CARUEL, Matthieu, CHAPELLE, Dominique and MOIREAU, Philippe, 2015. Thermodynamical framework for modeling chemical-mechanical coupling in muscle contraction - Formulation and validation . In: LACM. 2015.
  15. CARUEL, Matthieu, CHAPELLE, Dominique and MOIREAU, Philippe, 2015a. Thermodynamical Framework for Modeling Chemical-Mechanical Coupling in Muscle Contraction Formulation and Validation. In: Congrès français de mécanique. 2015.
  16. CARUEL, Matthieu and TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev, 2015. Huxley-Simmons model revisited. In: NITHIARASU, P and BUDYN, E (eds.), 4th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering - CMBE2015. 2015.
  17. CARUEL, Matthieu, CHABINIOK, Radomir, MOIREAU, Philippe, LECARPENTIER, Y and CHAPELLE, Dominique, 2013. Dimensional Reduction of Cardiac Models for Effective Validation and Calibration. In: 7th international conference on functional imaging and modeling of the heart, FIMH. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 2013. p. 259–267. Available online.
  18. CARUEL, Matthieu, TRUSKINOVSKY, Lev and ALLAIN, Jean-Marc, 2011. Myosin power-stroke in hard and soft device. In: Biophysical meeting. Baltimore, USA. 2011. p. 1–1.

PhD thesis

Caruel,Matthieu, 2011. MechanicsofFastForceRecoveryinStriatedMuscles. ÉcolePolytechnique


  • Winner of the Monge Excellence PhD fellowship, Ecole Polytechnique, 2008.
  • Prix des Talents de l’Outre-Mer, 2015.
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